Monday, February 07, 2005

my DVD collection

Suffice it to say that my DVD collection is like a bone yard for witty, briliant but cancelled television series.

  • Freaks and Geeks
  • Farscape
  • Firefly
  • Wonderfalls

Although at first it looked like I should stop watching new shows that start with the letter "F", Wonderfalls (oh, look, there is an "F" in there) broke that trend. I think I need to stop watching smart tv.

It's painful when you find a piece of work that is funny or witty enough to fill an hour or so of your life once a week only to watch some idiot network executive screw with your entertainment by switching around the schedule to fit in reruns of Who Wants to Survive to Marry My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss After Major Facial Reconstructive Surgery.

Anway, Wonderfalls is out on DVD. Do yourself a favor and hie thee over to and order a copy. You won't be sorry. It's 13 hours of your life that you won't want back.

In fact, it will probably make you want to lob bricks at the programming executive that axed the show.


Blogger QZB said...

Also available at Netflix, for those with little $$$. Thanks to the President....

12:59 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I haven't resubscribed to Netflix yet because we haven't replaced our DVD player.

I need to get around to that or the only way I'm going to watch Wonderfalls is by holding the discs up to the light.

The bastardy IRS is giving us money back this year to thank us for breeding so we can do that.

I want to get things around in the house and have a Wonderfalls party sometime in the next month or so.

1:12 PM  

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