Sunday, April 24, 2005

blonde and the fury

Upon digging this out of my mailbox last week, I was tempted to throw it away without reading it and composing a nasty letter to the editors of Time.

Instead, I consoled myself with a dose of James Wolcott. Thank you, James, for easing my ire over that bobble headed, racist, bigoted hate-mongering wet dream for the White, Conservative Male.

I understand that the bitch is about as deep as a bird bath and should, therefore, not affect me.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

words I'd like to see more often

Gadfly , moxie and pernicious are all good words.


My friend, The Cross Chihuahua needs to make this for me.

Monday, April 18, 2005

when the theatre of the absurd comes knocking on the hospice door

Monday, April 04, 2005


We switched Owen to whole milk. I'd forgotten just how rich and creamy it tastes. After years of skim milk (which is not that bad, really) my taste buds are pissed off at me.

I'll have to be content with the occasional taste of the buttery goodness of whole milk since I have other pleasures I'd like to spend those calories on.

Still, it's a lovely remembrance of childhood.

victory for pedantry

The Other Paper published my letter about Jane Austen. Heh.