Sunday, May 08, 2005


TMJ can make even the easiest trip to the dentist a scene from Marthon Man.

After putting it off for a year, I finally got back to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. She found a small cavity. Rather than deal with scheduling issues and trying to find someone to watch the kid so I could come back, I said, "what the hell, let's just fill it now."

Stupid, fucking me.

My jaw, already taxed to its limits by the cleaning was then subjected to Ms. Perfectionist Young Dentist. Fucking hell, woman, just fill it! My bite has never been perfect and it won't ever be.

And yet, she kept hauling out the drill to shave a little more of amalgam off the tooth in pursuit of perfect. Meanwhile, my jaw hinge feels like it's cracking and the migraine like pain is already starting.

And I have to go back to have an really old, extensive filling replaced with a crown. Fuck.


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