Tuesday, September 27, 2005

screening serenity

Well, I knew it was coming. I'd read the spoilers. I submitted to the lure of the blogging bribe and took the chance to see the film early and for free.

I feel hollow inside. I laughed, I cried and yet I can't help but think that Firefly will never be as complete and perfect for me ever again.

For non-fans, I think the film was as good as could be. It's probably a lot wordier than most sci-fi action adventure films but that didn't appear to put off any of the people in the theatre with me tonight. There was a great deal of laughter. And the pace of the action is pitch perfect. I shredded a popcorn bag during all the chase scenes.

And for this fan...well, this bitter, bitter fan...it's just like the moment I discovered that Santa doesn't exist but that I was still going to get presents. A little of the magic has worn away but it doesn't diminish the feeling I have for the holiday.

This is as good a film as Joss could put out there. It was his words, his story--and there's allegory and subtext enough to keep fans busy parsing for years (and hopefully there will be a sequel). Even on his teeny budget, with a relatively unknown cast he's got the story and pictures up there to capture us all with his charm and wit.

There were things I didn't like about the movie. I'm white-fonting the spoilers, just in case anyone reads this *The Mr. Universe character...and of course the death of WASH (*sob*). Whereas Book's death served a purpose--to drive home the point that Mal had to take a stand--Wash's was more for shock effect. More proof to his fans that no character is safe--no matter how beloved.* End spoilery white font

The things I liked were pretty obvious. The full cast fitting so nicely into well-worn characters. The words--all of Joss' pretty, pretty words. And the action--chase scenes were well timed. I loved to hear the people laughing all around me at just the exact right moments. And Summer Glau. Oh, how I love Summer Glau. River was always more of an annoyance to me in the series but she is all Grace in the movie. And she made a heck of a lot more sense.

*sigh* I just hate the fact that it's time to grow up. To leave behind something that was beautiful and funny that came into my life. But these kinds of pleasures are fleeting.

And yeah, I'm still bitter as shit that all we get is an hour and forty minutes of movie rather than 22 hours of a series.


Blogger QZB said...

Thanks for the review, I actually think I'd like to see this, although I never really watched the show.

Also, like the new format of your blog. Very nice!

10:54 PM  

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