Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fan Gurl

I'm developing a distasteful fan gurlie squeee over Twilight. I'm working my way through shame and into acceptance.

But I need to get my mind off the sparkly vampire so I can work on my next newspaper column.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

You're not the boss of me

My three year old has developed an especially mature sense of entitlement. Her chief joy in life seems to be telling me what to do.

I'm sure this is age appropriate behavior and a way of developing her independence but it's a giant pain the ass. Every day at least a half dozen tasks become a pissing contest between the two of us.

It's entirely different than with Owen. Even with his communication issues, once he understood what was expected of him or the problem, he usually relented. Olivia understands more but she just refuses to accept any sort of compromise.

It's her way or nothing. I spoke about this to my mother-in-law who got a good laugh. She says Liv gets it from her and that it doesn't get any easier.