Wednesday, February 16, 2005

irrational disappointment

I had high hopes for this week.

Christopher took a week off to get some things done around the house and I was going to be able to do some volunteer activities and get the house really, truly clean for once. And I wanted to be able to be there when Mom had her surgery.

All we've managed to do in six days is order take out food and sleep in shifts.

I know I shouldn't be disappointed. Everyone has been sick. The baby started on Friday night and still isn't completely over the virus. I was sick all day Sunday and Christopher fell ill on Monday.

And yet...I can't help myself.

Even having Christopher around this week has seemed like MORE work. Whenever he lets me sleep in, he can't get the baby down for his morning nap and then when I wake up, I have a cranky, fussy baby to deal with. The kid was miserable this morning in sign language class because he didn't get his nap.

We're supposed to be trying to head to Indiana to visit my mom this weekend. Provided the baby is completely well. And we can get a dog sitter. And Mom gets out of the hospital on time.

I can't even plan for anything at this point because it's just leading to bitterness at the moment.


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