Tuesday, January 31, 2006

underworld evolution

Having seen a video clip of Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman's sex seen in Underworld Evolution, I can only say, "MEEP."

Also, Ken Wiseman must really like watching his wife have sex. But hey, who doesn't?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

it slips away too fast

Every morning when I go in to get Owen out of his crib, he smiles and raises his arms. I then pick him up, hug him and sit for a few minutes, rocking him in the chair by the window.

He's a toddler now, his body is growing long. But when his head is on my shoulder and his hands are around my neck he still feels like my baby.

He'll shift sometimes, to sit snuggled at my side while we rock and he'll smile at me and giggle if I tickle him and just say things like, "Good morning" and "Would you like some breakfast?"

The time is flying. In a few weeks, we'll have an infant to take care of and he's going to have to share his mom and dad and limited amount of attention we have to give. But I hope he realizes that our love has no limits. My heart swells every time I see him and every time I feel him.

There were times, pre-parenthood, when I used to want to feel like a kid again. Like I was being taken care of, protected and that some rational adult somewhere was going to worry about the bills and the house and cooking dinner. But now, I don't think like that. The feeling of holding your child and being the one to take care of them and protect and love them is greater than that feeling of security I had when I was the child.

There really is nothing quite like it in the world. I have YEARS of this ahead of me but I know someday the kids will be grown and gone and I'll just have the memories of these moments. They're strong enough to last.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

my list of movies

Films that I really really wanted to see in an actual theatre setting include:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Brokeback Mountain
Good Night and Good Luck
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Pride & Prejudice
Underworld: Evolution
Walk the Line

Walk the Line is the only one I've managed to see. And my time for watching movies in a theatre is fast disappearing.

I don't even know if P&P is still showing in theatres around here. *sigh* I think I'm going to take one night this week and see Underworld. Yes, it's probaby the crappiest--and the worst choice of all of these to see but I really want to see Kate Beckinsale in leather and latex. I'd brave even the cheesiest crap for that.

And I should go see Brokeback Mountain because it's probably the best of these choices. The rest can wait for Netflix, I guess.

Friday, January 20, 2006


I never thought I'd be the mom with the pink baby girl. Seriously--I wanted to NOT instill this social pressure on an infant who didn't really know any better. I swore I'd not buy cutesy, fluffy pink baby clothes for my daughter.

And I haven't.

Only, in accepting the wonderfully generous, donated baby clothes from my girl friends, I've ended up with an entirely pink wardrobe for the new baby. There is A LOT of it. And I mean A LOT. I think the girl will be able to wear a pink sleeper every day for a month and never wear the same one twice.

The stuff is all GORGEOUS, mind you. AND FREE. Did I mention free? I was given these high quality, hardly used (nay--some of them are BRAND NEW WITH TAGS!) baby clothes and I love them. I'm truly in love with the tiny sweaters--the red one with the pink & white heart and the pink one with the fleece bunny on the chest. I'm done for. The flowers and hearts and bunnies have killed me with their cute.

I think I may have to back down on my original assertions that I wouldn't try to gender-program my kid through clothes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

officially huge

With three weeks left to go I'm officially GINORMOUS.

You know that scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Violet Beauregarde blows up and the Oompa Loompas roll her bloated ass away? That's happening to me. I just lack the Oompa Loompas and the stunning blue color.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

r.i.p. toaster

From day one, this toaster ran hot. I mean it frequently burned toast on the lower settings.

So maybe it was stainless steel and had a cute little beeping alarm that announced when the toast was (over)done. $25 down the drain. Literally, since Christopher had to drown the damn thing when it CAUGHT ON FIRE.

Fuck it. Must buy new toaster.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

glow little firefly, glow!

There was a Firefly marathon on Sci-fi a few days ago. I insisted on tuning in and watching them.

Christopher asked me why, when I have all the episodes on DVD and can watch them commercial free.

I told him that it's fun to watch them on television so I can pretend the show is still on. *sigh*

Yes, I'm that pathetic.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

a quiet beginning

2005 wasn't that bad for a year. The only complaints I have are political but that can all be rectified in 2006.

We quietly slipped from one year to the next while watching a Netflix DVD (Serenity--Christopher hadn't seen it and I wanted to see it again). He enjoyed it very much. So much so that we pulled out the Firefly series DVDs and sat and watched two more episodes.

Christopher's now pointing out lines as "Classic Joss Whedon" and that pleases me. The film didn't do was well as the studio wanted so there won't be a sequel--which means the end of the story and the characters. Sad, that, but Joss has some films in the hopper--namely a Wonder Woman film.

With all this movie work, I'm wondering if he'll ever go back to doing television. I just don't know. He did a lot of great things for the industry and for television writing in general. His stable of writers has scattered to the winds and hopefully is out there trying to make television smarter and funnier for us all.

On other fronts, we are now mini van drivers. Well, we own a minivan that I drive. Christopher says a little piece of him dies every time he gets behind the wheel. With a second child on the way, really, it was time. But it has a 6 disc changer and a DVD system, stow & go seating and power doors. It's really very comfy and drives nicely. I'm pleased as hell to have it so I know I'm no longer cool.

Financially, we're not quite where we want to be but we're still in a decent position. Christopher continues to advance in his career and will hopefully be richly rewarded for all his hard work this Spring.

I'm happy and healthy and in love with my kid (soon to be kids). I'm enjoying my life to its full extent and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that.